
Corporate Policy

The image shows two guys preparing a balloon ascent for a radiosonde sounding in the park of Noris Group.
Our responsibility

Transparency and compliance with the highest ethical standards

The image shows the sensor testing laboratory of Noris Group with the two managing directors Michael and Florian Schmidmer standing in front of a testing station
Our responsibility

Transparency and compliance with the highest ethical standards

"Our aim at Graw is to create transparency and give you an insight into the values and principles that guide our actions. Our company is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and promoting sustainable and responsible business practices. 

Thank you for taking the time to find out more about us and our commitments."

Florian and Michael Schmidmer

Our corporate policy with regard to:

The image shows a compliance Figure with words around the word compliance and a hand writing the words

Legal compliance

We comply with national and international laws and other binding regulations that affect our activities and products. We review this regularly.

Risk and quality management

  • We create planning and control security in all areas of the company through active risk management
  • We derive our understanding of quality from the constant understanding and fulfilment of customer expectations.
  • We involve our customers and suppliers in our quality, occupational safety and environmental protection concept and apply uniform standards.
  • We implement quality, safety and environmental protection throughout the entire life cycle of our products.
  • We organise our processes and our integrated management system in a measurable and transparent manner. We monitor this in order to continuously improve.


Environmental protection and resource conservation

  • We take a holistic approach to integrated occupational safety, health and environmental protection and are constantly developing this further.
  • We minimise and eliminate hazards and risks with regard to occupational safety, the health of our employees and environmental protection.
  • We regularly determine the environmental impact of our site using advanced methods and minimise or avoid negative impacts wherever possible.
  • We use raw materials, energy and water sparingly and recycle and dispose of waste according to ecological principles.

The image shows the manufacturing department of the Graw Radiosondes company

Employee management and development

  • We commit our managers to exemplary behaviour and actions and support them in this, because quality awareness and responsibility for occupational health and safety and environmental protection begin at management level.
  • We inform our employees at all levels about the objectives formulated for the integrated management system. To this end, we train our employees and actively involve them in achieving these goals. We support them with the necessary resources.
  • We inform our customers and other interested parties about our integrated management concept at their request.