
Our values

The image shows a scale in front of an abstract blurred background with dark green plants and trees.
Family owned company

What we stand for and what makes us special

The image shows four employees standing close together in a room with technical equipment, talking and loughing.
Family owned company

What we stand for and what makes us special

Graw Radiosondes is a member of the Noris Group. Values are lived and characterise our actions. We attach great importance to diversity in all its forms. 

The values that unite us all are essential. They clearly show what defines us and what we are committed to.

Briefly explained

Our mission

Our great strength lies in customising our products to the wishes and requirements of our customers. Rarely is a product supplied "off the shelf". We often develop special solutions for customers that are precisely tailored to the application.

We have acquired expertise in these areas over many decades. We have a holistic understanding of complete measurement chains and systems and the resulting requirements.

Our solutions are designed for applications in which safety and reliability during operation are absolutely essential and failures cannot be tolerated.

Briefly explained

Our vision

We use proven and tested technologies and are inspired by our customers' requirements in order to optimise them.

In this way, we create added value for our customers with new, innovative concepts and unique selling points compared to the competition.

We have the highest quality standards for our products and solutions: 

We constantly improve them and measure ourselves against the strictest standards. Our aim is not only to comply with these standards, but to exceed them.

Our solutions are designed to work reliably for years, especially under extreme conditions. 

The optimisation of our solutions is therefore our constant companion.

Our values

What we place particular emphasis on

The image shows an employee of the quality management department

Tradition and innovation

Experience creates knowledge. That makes us a competent partner and is the basis for innovation.

Confident, honest and respectful treatment

Credibility is the basis of trust and arises from honest and respectful interaction with one another. By keeping what we promise, we achieve long-term relationships with our customers, partners and employees.

Long-term goals instead of short-term profits

This secures future, independence and stability of our company.


It is part of our self-conception to keep to our word in terms of our products, our service and cooperative partnership to our customers.

The imaae shows the manufacturing department for radiosonde at Graw Radiosondes company

Safety and flexibility

For us, this means an uncomplicated and dynamic project management, fast delivery and long-term delivery capacity. Being operational with maximum power at any time and any place - this demonstrates our commitment.

Customer proximity and an open, direct communication

Our global network and our hierarchies enable us to communicate directly across locations in order to quickly and easily meet the wishes and expectations of our customers.

Our social, family-related company structure

Close social ties and empathy are a result of cooperative personnel management, comprehension and mutual trust among the colleagues and the management. This motivates every single employee to top performance and teamwork.

The image shows a warehouseman

Optimisation and perfection

Our progress is driven by our striving for improvement and our continuous willingness to learn. Both our customers and our company benefit thereof.

Responsible use of resources

We only have one Earth and its resources are limited. We have recognized and internalized that only a responsible use of resources can contribute to the long-term protection of our planet and its preservation for future generations.

Diversification across all industries

This secures our jobs, strengthens our market position and minimises risks in view of negative market developments.