
The user-friendly and intuitive evaluation software

GRAWMET software

Software GRAWMET

  • User-friendly, intuitive operation
  • GRAWMET Wizard for an easy and fast step by step initialisation
  • Individually adjustable user interface
  • Status viewlet for status notifications and visualisation of current sounding data
  • Database-driven, graphical and tabular viewing and evaluation of meteorological measuring data
  • Remote monitoring


Switch on, plug in and go

It has never been easier and faster to initialise a radiosonde and to make it ready for take off. No redundant clicks. No time-consuming preparation. You can concentrate purely on the analysis and evaluation of the data. The sounding is detected automatically. You are automatically provided with the graphical and tabular views that are relevant for you. Following sounding there’s no need to worry about the transfer of your results. GRAWMET takes care of this for you. Convince yourself and order today your software demo.



Ballistic message

Overview A

Overview B

Ozone message

PILOT message

TEMP message